so..jom jwb..,,hihi
"Once you have been tagged, you are suppose to write a note, with 25 random thing, fact, habits or goal about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tag you, it's because I want to know more about you. Your cooperation s highly appreciated."
hahaha..nie jwpn sye...=)
1.nma penuh..fatin amirah bt mat zukhi...=) slalu pnggil sye chibi..
3.ade sorng kakak nme ieja zukhi yg gla2 and 1 kpala..
4.anak ke 3...
5.sgt menyukai pooh..=)
6.suka kaler pink ,coklat and purple sgt2..=)
7.suka kucing...comel....=)
8.x pndai sgt brgaya..
9.sgt menyayangi my fmly
10.sgt mnyayangi org yg trsyg and all my frenz
11.sgt manja dgn fmly and kwan2...
12.sgt suka dberi prhatian
13.kdg2 mngada2 ckit..hahaha
14.suka mrajuk..
15.sgt sensitif happy go lucky person..
17.snggup brkorbn pa sja dmi kwn2 and fmly trcinta..
18.slalu bralah dgn kwn2..
19.cepat marah and cepat cool blik..
20.suka sgt sbject biology..hihiihi
21.x suka bwk moto..or keta..hahaha
22.seorg yg penakut..hahaaha..tkt gelap..hikhik
23.sgt benci cicak..hohohoho..geli sgt3 okei..
24.suka sgt shopping and pegi jalan2
25.seorng yg slalu ceria..=)
haha..ciap suda..x tawu la pe yg sye mngarut kt atas tu..hikhik...
25 org yg sye nk tag is....
yea kpd smua yg d tag ..hikhik..buat la klu rjin..tiada paksaan..hahaha..ok...thats all 4 today..thankz for reading..=)
ok bie! thanks :D